Well this was one of those trips that we knew was going to be a haul – we estimated it’d be 12 hours, and it was. My ADV riding buddy likes to stay off social media, but I’m so grateful for him. We’ve been able to challenge each other to do things we would never do solo.

A perfect Arizona day: started out chilly but unfolded into a perfect 65-70ºF. Having the first goal of the day to see the gem of Aravaipa Canyon for the first time was good motivation. The necessary first haul eastward was out past Globe AZ and across the White Mountain Apache reservation. There’s no way around it. A fuel stop just to the north of Mt Graham then slight backtrack to the wilderness.

Panorama: when you first approach the stream

Well that’s the highlight. There was soo much more on this trip I just couldn’t capture it. Crossing very old ranches. Views and vistas from Mammoth, AZ – which I’ve taken in before and I’m finally glad I’ve gotten a taste of those mysterious Galiuro Mountains… but I’m more enchanted than ever. I cannot wait to visit this part of Arizona again.

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